Teach you the authentic method of sweet and sour tenderloin, detailed steps, sweet and sour, old and children like it

Friends, let me tell you a wonderful recipe – authentic sweet and sour fillet! This dish is not only attractive color, sweet and sour, but also suitable for all ages. Now, let me show you step by step how to make this delicious dish.

First, material selection is crucial. Choose a good tenderloin, the meat is tender, no fascia, is the best choice for making sweet and sour tenderloin. Cut the tenderloin into even strips, each about the width of a finger, so that it is easy to taste and ensure that the fried texture is crisp on the outside and tender on the inside.

Next comes the pickling. Put the sliced pork tenderloin into a bowl, add salt, cooking wine, egg and a small amount of starch, gently grasp with your hands, marinate for 15 minutes. This step is to add more flavor to the tenderloin, while adding a smooth texture.

Once the marinating is done, it’s ready to fry. Pour enough oil into the pan. When the oil temperature rises to 60 to 70, add the marinated tenderloin strips to the pan one by one and fry over medium heat until golden brown and cooked through. Pay attention to the control of heat, both to ensure that the tenderloin cooked, but also to avoid burning. After frying, remove and drain. Set aside.

Now comes the crucial step in making the sweet and sour sauce. In a bowl, add tomato paste, white sugar, white vinegar, a small amount of water starch and just enough water. Stir well. This ratio is very critical, it determines the sweet and sour of the sauce and the consistency. Then leave a little oil in the pan, pour in the mixed sweet and sour sauce, and boil over low heat until thick and bubbling.

Finally, pour the fried pork tenderloin into the sweet and sour sauce. Stir quickly to coat each tenderloin with the sweet and sour sauce. At this time, you can sprinkle some white sesame seeds or green onion for embellishment to enhance the aroma and appearance. Stir well and serve.

This sweet and sour fillet is red and attractive in color, sweet and sour medium, crisp outside and tender inside, fragrant, suitable for all ages. Whether it is a family dinner or a gathering of friends, it is a very popular dish. I believe you can make authentic sweet and sour fillet according to my steps! Try it now!

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