Fried peanut rice, remember not to fry it directly, teach you common tips in restaurants, crispy and fragrant

Listen up, food lovers, today I’m going to give you a restaurant-level cooking secret, and that is the wonderful technique of crispy peanut fried rice. Remember, the whole point is “don’t fry”!

Imagine a plate of golden and fragrant peanut fried rice in front of you, each grain of rice is covered with rich egg aroma and peanut crunchy, each bite is the ultimate temptation to taste buds. But if you want to achieve this effect, directly frying is a big no-no!

First, let’s talk about preparation. Use fresh long-grain rice, cook it in advance and let it cool, so that the fried rice will be distinct and will not stick together. Peanuts, on the other hand, are stir-fried or deep-fried on a low heat until golden and crisp, then chopped and set aside. That way, you’ll be sure to get crunchy, crumbled peanuts in every bite, rather than mushy ones.

Next, the art of frying. Do not rush to mix rice and ground peanuts directly, which is easy to make the ground peanuts lose their crispness, and the rice may become greasy. The correct way is to first put an appropriate amount of oil in the pan, stir in the egg quickly, so that the aroma of the egg is fully released. Then, pour the cooled rice into the pan and gently press it with a spatula so that each grain of rice is evenly heated.

When the rice is lightly browned and fragrant, the prepared peanuts are ready to be added. At this point, gently stir fry with a spatula so that the crushed peanuts are well mixed with the rice while maintaining their crispness. Remember to do this gently so as not to spoil the texture of the rice and peanuts.

Finally, add the appropriate amount of salt and seasonings to taste. A perfect “crispy peanut fried rice” was born! It is not only perfect in color, flavor, but also rich in taste and distinct in texture. Whether it is a family dinner or a restaurant signature dish, it can win the praise of diners.

So, the next time you try this recipe at home, remember this key tip – don’t just fry it! Follow the methods I have taught you, and you will be able to make a plate of crispy peanut fried rice that will impress family and friends!

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