Coke chicken wings seem simple, but in fact, there are also know-how, teach you authentic methods, the taste is not inferior to restaurants

Dear friends, listen up! Don’t look at this coke chicken wings seem simple, in fact, hidden inside the university question. Today, let me reveal the secrets for you, teach you the authentic way to make sure that the taste is not lost in any restaurant!

First, material selection is crucial. Choose fresh fat chicken wings, such chicken wings are full of meat, fresh and tender taste. Remember, freshness is the foundation of delicious food, can not be sloppy.

Next, the curing process is the key to enhancing the flavor. With the appropriate amount of salt, cooking wine, light soy sauce, ginger slices and other seasonings, the chicken wings marinated into flavor. Do not be stingy with time, it is best to marinate for more than half an hour, so that the chicken wings fully absorb the essence of the seasoning.

Here comes the big part — the cooking. Heat the oil in a pan and fry the marinated chicken wings until golden on both sides, which will lock in the freshness of the wings and add an attractive layer of crispy skin. Afterwards, pour in a bottle of your favorite cola and let the sweetness of the cola blend perfectly with the umami flavor of the chicken wings. Bring the heat to a boil, turn it down to a simmer, and let the caramel aroma of cola slowly penetrate into every cell of the chicken wings.

During the braising process, you can adjust the amount of salt, sugar or pepper according to your taste. Remember, cooking is an art as well as a science, and it needs to be felt and adjusted with our hearts.

Finally, when the soup is thick and the wings are tender, you can remove the juice from the pan over high heat. Sprinkle some green onion or sesame seeds on the plate as embellishment, not only to enhance the appearance of the dish level, but also to add a bit of attractive aroma.

Now, a delicious cola chicken wings presented in front of you. Take a bite! The rich caramel aroma, tender chicken flavor and just the right amount of cola sweetness will leave you wanting to eat. Trust me, according to this method to make cola chicken wings, the taste is absolutely not bad in any restaurant!

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