Chinese New Year’s EveChinese New Year’s Eve rice, whether rich or poor, this “auspicious dish” must be eaten, the meaning: peace and auspicious, wealth rolling

On Chinese New Year’s Eve, no matter rich or poor, every family will prepare a “lucky dish” – New Year’s Eve rice. This dish not only carries people’s good wishes for peace and good luck, but also means that money is rolling in and good fortune is lasting.

The importance of rice, as an indispensable part of the table, is self-evident. It not only satisfies people’s desire for food, but also imperceptibly conveys a profound cultural connotation. On the special occasion of the New Year’s Eve, every family sits together to share this bowl of rice carrying full blessings, which is undoubtedly the most sincere expectations for a better life in the New Year.

“Peace and auspiciousness” is the core meaning of the New Year’s Eve rice. In traditional Chinese culture, rice is regarded as the cornerstone of life, and its stable and abundant properties symbolize family harmony and peace. On New Year’s Eve, by tasting this bowl of rice, people express their deep wishes for family peace, health and family harmony.

At the same time, “wealth rolling” is also one of the beautiful meanings contained in the New Year’s Eve rice. In the Chinese concept, the abundance and abundance of rice is often closely linked to the economic situation of the family. Therefore, on New Year’s Eve, a bowl of hot, fragrant rice is not only an affirmation of the past year’s hard work, but also a good wish for the coming year’s wealth and better life.

To sum up, as an “auspicious dish” on Chinese New Year’s Eve, rice not only carries people’s good wishes for peace, luck and wealth, but also inherits and carries forward the profound cultural connotation of the Chinese nation virtually. At this moment full of joy and hope, let us toast together, wish every family in the New Year peace, prosperity and peace!

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