Bone broth is most forbidden to stew directly! Otherwise, the meat flavor and nutrition are all run out, teach you the secret of the hotel, thick white and delicious

Listen up, cooking lovers, there is one crucial rule I must emphasize when it comes to bone broth – absolutely no braising! Directly into the pot, you will miss not only the rich meat aroma, but also the precious nutritional essence. It is not just the simple cooking of a dish, it is an art that requires careful care.

Now, let me reveal the secret secret of hotel chefs, so that you can easily make a mouthwatering, rich, white bone soup at home. Remember, the key is “slow work makes good work”, not fast fire.

First of all, the selection of ingredients should be fine, fresh pig bone or cow bone is the best choice, they are rich in bone marrow and collagen, is the source of delicious soup. Next, put the bones in a pot of cold water, boil over high heat, and skim off the foam. This step is crucial to effectively remove impurities and blood, and keep the soup clear.

Then, turn the heat down to a simmer, which is the soul of the bone broth. Time is the magician who endows soup with profound information. A few hours of slow cooking, let the nutrients and essence in the bone marrow slowly ooze, and blend with water, forming the intoxicating milky color. Remember, haste never makes hot tofu, just as haste never makes good bone soup.

In the process of braising, you can add ginger slices, scallions and other spices according to personal taste to enhance the smell, but remember not to put salt too early, so as not to destroy the delicious and nutritional ingredients of the soup.

Finally, when that rich aroma permeates the kitchen and the soup becomes as thick as milk, your bone soup is done. Taste a bite, you will find that it is not only mellow taste, long aftertaste, but also rich in collagen and a variety of trace elements, which is of great benefit to health.

So, folks, don’t make the fatal mistake of simmering bone broth. Follow the tips I’ve taught you and you can easily cook hotel-quality food at home!

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