Hand-torn cabbage someone blanched water, someone over-oiled, all done wrong, it turns out that the restaurant chef did this

Listeners, I have a shocking fact to tell you: that plate of shredded cabbage, which is supposed to be a refreshing, well-balanced delicacy, has turned into a disaster in someone’s hands. Some people use boiling water to blanch too much, the cabbage’s freshness and crisp away; Some people are desperate to pour fat, so that the dish becomes greasy, lost the original fresh flavor.

But the most difficult thing to accept is that the culprit of all this is the chef of the restaurant! Yes, you heard right, the professional who is supposed to master the essence of cooking and set the trend of food has made such a basic mistake.

Shredded cabbage, a seemingly simple but actually challenging dish, requires a precise grasp of the heat, the clever use of spices, and a deep understanding of the characteristics of the ingredients themselves. But under the chef, all that was thrown out the window, leaving only one disappointing flop.

We can’t help but ask: how can such a chef be qualified for the heavy responsibility of cooking food for customers in the restaurant? Their mistakes not only waste valuable ingredients and customer expectations, but also may make the customer’s overall impression of the restaurant greatly reduced.

Therefore, I strongly urge all restaurants and chefs to treat each dish with a rigorous attitude, respect the ingredients and respect the customers, and cook with the heart to truly delicious, healthy and satisfying dishes. Only in this way can we stand out in the competitive market and win the trust and love of customers.

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