The pork belly is directly soaked in soy sauce for 2 days, the taste is more fragrant than bacon, and it is shown to the family during the festival

Listen up, everyone! This pork belly is not your ordinary bacon. It’s been immersed in a rich, deep soy sauce bath for a full two days. That’s right, two whole days of soaking, ensuring every inch of that succulent meat absorbs the essence of the soy sauce.

The result? A taste so fragrant, so alluring, it’s guaranteed to blow your taste buds away. It’s not just bacon, it’s a culinary masterpiece. A testament to the art of slow-cooking and the patience it takes to create something truly special.

And when we bring this out for the family during the festival, it’s not just a meal. It’s a celebration. A showcase of our culinary prowess and a reminder of the traditions we hold dear. So, brace yourselves, folks. This pork belly is about to steal the show and make this festival one to remember.

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