When stir-frying pork, lean meat is firewood and can’t be chewed? Learn one trick and eat meat as tender as tofu

When it comes to stir-frying pork, remember this golden rule: lean meat is not firewood, and it shouldn’t be left chewy! With just one simple trick, you can transform your pork into a tender, juicy delight that melts in your mouth like tofu.

Don’t let the lean appearance of your pork cut fool you into thinking it’s a challenge to cook. By mastering this one essential technique, you’ll be able to enjoy tender, flavorful pork every time you stir-fry.

The secret lies in how you prepare and cook your meat. First, make sure to slice your pork into thin, even strips. This will ensure that it cooks evenly and quickly, retaining moisture and tenderness.

Next, don’t be afraid to use a little oil when stir-frying. A generous amount of oil helps to create a barrier around the meat, sealing in juices and preventing it from drying out. And don’t forget to use high heat – it’s essential for achieving that perfect sear on the outside, while keeping the inside juicy and tender.

But the real game-changer is the marinade. By soaking your pork strips in a mixture of soy sauce, rice wine, and cornstarch, you’re creating a flavorful, tenderizing coating that will elevate your stir-fry to new heights. The cornstarch acts as a natural tenderizer, breaking down the proteins in the meat and ensuring that it stays juicy and tender even after cooking.

So, next time you’re stir-frying pork, remember: lean meat is not firewood. With the right preparation and cooking techniques, you can enjoy tender, flavorful pork that’s as soft as tofu – and just as satisfying.

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