Pour apples into a piping hot oil pan and instantly turn into a traditional snack, and small shops rely on it to earn hundreds of thousands a year

Imagine tossing fresh apples gently into a pan of boiling oil. Instantly, they dance in the heat and bloom with an attractive golden hue, transforming into a mouthwatering traditional snack. This is not only a transformation of food, but also a feast for taste buds and a cultural inheritance.
​In those humble small shops, this simple but delicious snack has become the secret of their profits. With the careful selection of ingredients, the precise grasp of the heat, and the adherence to traditional craftsmanship, the owners can attract countless diners to taste each year, bringing them hundreds of thousands or even millions of annual income.
​These snacks are not just food, they are a bond of community and an emotional sustenance for people. Whenever night falls, or festival celebrations, people will gather in front of these shops, taste the familiar taste, share the little bits of life. And the owners, with their enthusiasm and ingenuity, will carry forward this traditional snack, so that more people can feel the happiness from the taste buds.
​So, the next time you pass one of these, stop for a snack of this golden, crisp, sweet apple. It is not only a simple food, but also a cultural inheritance and an attitude towards life. And the story behind it is a legend written by those small shopkeepers with sweat and wisdom.

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