Chinese New Year’s EveChinese New Year’s Eve the meal, the old people said: “6 dishes are not on the table, fortune does not enter the door” What are these 6 dishes

On New Year’s Eve, every family is immersed in the joy of getting together and sharing a feast. Old people often say: “six dishes do not serve, fortune does not enter the door.” This is not only an auspicious saying, but also contains profound cultural traditions and good wishes for the coming year. So what exactly are these six essential dishes?

First, fish – meaning “year after year”. On New Year’s Eve, fish is an indispensable dish. It not only tastes delicious, but also symbolizes the wealth of the family and the abundance of life, which means that in the New Year, every family can have surplus food and more money, and the day is more prosperous.

The second course, dumplings – a symbol of “more children”. As a representative of traditional Chinese food, dumplings are shaped like ingots, which symbolize wealth and good luck. On New Year’s Eve, the whole family sits together to make dumplings and eat dumplings, which not only enhances the family affection, but also sustens the yearning and expectation for a better life in the New Year.

The third way, rice cake – meaning “year after year higher”. Nian Gao is loved by people for its soft and sweet taste, and is endowed with an auspicious meaning because of its homophony of “annual high”. On New Year’s Eve, tasting rice cakes is to hope that in the New Year, whether it is career or study, you can be promoted step by step and achieve more brilliant results.

The fourth way, chicken – represents “good luck”. Chicken is homophonic with the word “auspicious”, so it is often regarded as a symbol of auspiciousness in Chinese culture. On the table on New Year’s Eve, a plate of chicken dishes with excellent color and flavor not only satisfies the enjoyment of taste buds, but also sustens people’s good wishes for the coming year and everything goes well.

The fifth course, braised pork – meaning “prosperous”. Braised pork in red, fat and not greasy is a classic of Chinese cuisine. On New Year’s Eve, this dish is indispensable. It symbolizes the prosperity of family life, thriving, but also implies a successful career in the New Year, financial resources.

Sixth, green vegetables – represents “clear”. In the rich New Year’s Eve dinner, although the green vegetables are insignificant, but its meaning is very far-reaching. The “green” and “clear” homophonic meaning that people in the New Year to keep a clear mind and a pure heart, do things clearly, aboveboard. At the same time, it also symbolizes the harmony of family life and fresh and natural.

These six dishes not only carry rich cultural connotations and good meanings, but also the Chinese nation’s deep expectations for family reunion and happy life. At the table on New Year’s Eve, let us taste these delicious dishes together and welcome the New Year full of hope and opportunity!

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